Monday, December 1, 2014


Courage is never easy. If it was, it wouldn't be courage.

Courage is hard.

Sometimes, courage means facing your fears. Sometimes it means choosing to try again.

Sometimes it means doing the right thing. Other times, it means admitting you were wrong.

There are times when courage means doing something alone. And there are other times when courage means being together.

Sometimes, courage means being honest, or different, or ordinary. And sometimes courage means having dedication or perseverance.

Sometimes it means being silent. Other times, it means using your voice or helping others find theirs.

I am learning that sometimes courage is being strong in ways others consider to be weak, or even admitting you are weak when you can no longer be strong.

Sometimes courage means saying words like,
     "I'm sorry," 
          "I forgive you," 
               or even, "I love you."

Sometimes courage is beautiful. Other times, messy.

Usually, courage is invisible. You can't always see when someone has courage. You usually just see whatever comes after courage - and that's the stuff people want. The stuff that comes after courage. But they want it the "easy way." There is no easy way. Not if you want to live. I mean, really live.

And that's what I want. I don't just want the stuff that comes after courage. And I don't want easy. Easy isn't worth it. I want a life that is full. I want a life that means something. I want a life that is lived courageously. 

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